
Creation (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Genesis 1:1 – 2:4
Revelation 21:1-5
April 22, 2018

It would have been easier to do nothing.

It would have been easier if God made nothing: no heavens, no earth, no universe, no us.  If God made nothing, no thing, if there were no human beings, no human history, God would surely be spared so much anguish, so much heartbreak, so much bitter disappointment. … Continue reading ...

got soul?

got soul? (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 22:15-22
October 12, 2014

How is it with your soul?

Do you ever ask yourself that question?  Do you give any thought, any attention to the condition of your soul, the health of your soul?  Do you ever ask anybody else that question?  Did you ask anybody this morning when you came into the church? … Continue reading ...

Feeling it

Feeling it (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 22:34-40
October 26, 2014

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Two weeks ago, we talked about loving God with all your mind, following the lead of the Presbyterians.  We talked about the importance of using our minds, of thinking clearly, of doing Bible study: not just winging it, not just making it up as we go along, not just following our gut, not just doing what we’ve always done because we’ve always done it that way, but listening to God, paying attention to God’s word, becoming smart about our faith, becoming capable critics both of culture and of religion, becoming wise enough to discern between what is genuine and what is false, between what comes from God and what is just so much hogwash.… Continue reading ...

Peace is healing

Peace is … healing
(Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 35:1-10
December 11, 2016

Dry, barren, infertile, exhausted.  Sick, discouraged, broken, afraid.  Sorrowing, grieving, empty, homeless.  These are the wastelands — wastelands of the soul, wastelands of the body, wastelands of the earth.

We have all been in wastelands, some of us just to visit for just a short while, but some of us for long stretches of our lives, so long we thought we might never leave. … Continue reading ...