An emotional Jesus

An emotional Jesus (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 3:1-6
February 18, 2018

Are you an emotional person?  I hope you are.

When we use the word “emotional” to describe someone, we often mean it not in a good way.  An “emotional” person is unpredictable, unsteady, flighty, sometimes even out of control.  Out of control because their emotions take over. … Continue reading ...


Heartbreak (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Ecclesiastes 8:9-17
October 29, 2017

Life, your life, is not all sweetness and light, is it?

Sometimes it is disappointing.

You had to reserve the campground four months in advance, so this one day is your window of opportunity to climb the mountain you’ve waited thirty years to climb, and it’s raining. … Continue reading ...

In Jesus Christ

in Jesus Christ (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 11:25-30
March 5, 2017

Are you tired?  Are you tired from carrying heavy loads?

Are you tired from carrying a load of worry?  Worry about your children?  Worry about getting old?  Worry about money?  Worry about your health?

Or maybe you worry about bigger things.  Are you tired, are you weighed down with worry about our nation’s future? … Continue reading ...

Seeing is believing

Seeing is believing (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
John 1:1-18
January 3, 2016

Seeing is believing.  But what if you can’t see?

Doubt, fear, depression, despair, anger, boredom overshadow our spirits.  We are in the dark and we can’t see.  And because we can’t see, we do not believe, and because we do not believe, we are not saved. … Continue reading ...

Familiarity breeds contempt

Familiarity breeds contempt (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 4:20-30
January 31, 2016

I can talk about fear, because I have been afraid.  I can talk about doubt, because I have doubted.  I can talk about depression, because I have been depressed and know what it feels like from the inside.  I understand depression.  And even though I have not known despair, I can talk about despair because I think I understand it. … Continue reading ...

You are that man

You are that man (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
2 Samuel 12:1-7
June 12, 2016

What makes you angry?

When you can’t get service on your cell phone?  When Fareway is all out of your favorite brand of chips?  When the San Jose Sharks and captain and hometown hero, Joe Pavelski, lose?

Do you get angry when you lose the vote? … Continue reading ...

This is our chance!

This is our chance! (Click on the sermon title for .pdf copy)
Luke 21:5-19
November 13, 2016

This is our chance.

There are many angry people out there right now, some angry about the outcome of this election, and others whose anger helped propel the outcome of this election.

This is our chance.

There are many frightened people out there right now, some frightened by what might be done to us, by extremists foreign-born or homegrown, and others frightened by what we might do, by the ways our own brand of extremism may make the world a more dangerous and inhospitable place.… Continue reading ...

love is not irritable

Love is not irritable (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 5:21-24
January 22, 2017

I am irritated.

I am irritated by reckless drivers and TV commercials and Pittsburgh Steeler fans.

I am irritated by people full of themselves, by people who like to hear themselves talk.

I am irritated by bullies, by people who belittle and intimidate other people, who make people feel bad and don’t care.… Continue reading ...