
Surprised (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 6:1-6
February 25, 2018

Jesus was surprised.  Are you surprised Jesus was surprised?  I mean, after all, isn’t he the Son of God?  Mark says it right at the beginning of his gospel:

This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

And, if Jesus is God’s Son, wouldn’t he know everything? … Continue reading ...

An emotional Jesus

An emotional Jesus (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 3:1-6
February 18, 2018

Are you an emotional person?  I hope you are.

When we use the word “emotional” to describe someone, we often mean it not in a good way.  An “emotional” person is unpredictable, unsteady, flighty, sometimes even out of control.  Out of control because their emotions take over. … Continue reading ...

Familiarity breeds contempt

Familiarity breeds contempt (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 4:20-30
January 31, 2016

I can talk about fear, because I have been afraid.  I can talk about doubt, because I have doubted.  I can talk about depression, because I have been depressed and know what it feels like from the inside.  I understand depression.  And even though I have not known despair, I can talk about despair because I think I understand it. … Continue reading ...

Are you bored?

Are you bored? (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 9:28-36
February 7, 2016

Are you bored?

That’s my sermon.  The photograph was taken Wednesday morning in the front yard of our house in Cedar Falls and that is my sermon.  But since I should probably earn my keep, I will elaborate.

Are you bored?  Do you find your life tiresome, dull, routine? … Continue reading ...