From the depths

From the depths (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 7:31-27; 8:11-13
March 4, 2018

Sigh …

What is a sigh?  It is a letting go, a release of air, a release of built up pressure.  It might be a release of the pressure of built up anxiety, a sigh of relief: “Whew.”  Or it might be a release of the pressure of disappointed expectations, a sigh of resignation: “Oh, well.” … Continue reading ...

Fear not!

Fear not! (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 1:5-16
December 7, 2014

Fear is the default.  Fear is the default human attitude, which means that we respond to the challenges of our lives out of fear, unless something is done proactively to change our hearts.

We began our Advent last week with that claim.  Fear is the default. … Continue reading ...


Meanwhile (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 40:3-5
January 18, 2015

I pray … a lot.

I pray for my children and my grandchildren, for my mother and for Lynne’s mother, and for Lynne.

I pray for this church — for energy, for passion, for spirit, for the strong presence of God’s spirit in us and among us. … Continue reading ...

Loving God in a technology growing hectic lifestyle modern world

Loving God in a technology growing hectic lifestyle modern world (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
John 21:1-17
April 10, 2016

Loving God in a technology growing hectic lifestyle modern world

I will remind you that the sermon titles for the month of April were suggested by members of our current confirmation class. They submitted their lists anonymously, but I do know who wrote this one, one of our two confirmation mentors, Lauren Reisinger.… Continue reading ...


Bigger (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
1 Kings 8:22-43
May 29, 2016

(Combined service with Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church)

Bigger.  God is bigger.

The men and women of this church — you, the men and women of Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, “the church of love, hope, and new beginnings” — you have gathered in Waterloo, Iowa, for twenty-five years, worshiping God, training up your children, proclaiming and doing the gospel, caring for each other, and reaching out into this community to help those who are lonely or hurting or broken or lost.… Continue reading ...

Never give up!

Never give up! (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 18:1-8
October 16, 2016

The top ten signs that you have given up …

Number 10:  You turned off the TV after the eighth inning of last Tuesday night’s Cubs game.

Number 9:  You watched Monday Night Football instead of the first presidential debate.

Number 8.  Since the second debate, you have been searching online for houses … in Canada.… Continue reading ...