Images of Jesus from other cultures

Masai warrior JesusBalinese dancing JesusPeter and JesusA Filipino communionSalvadoran painted crossAboriginal JesusElectric Jesus (Ethiopia)

Images from “The Christ We Share”

Luke 4:1-13 (2/14/2016)

Jesus belongs to us. Jesus is one of us, as fully human as any of us are fully human. Jesus shared our common lot. And because Jesus has shared our common lot, our common lot has become anything but common!

He has stood with us. He has stood for us, his brothers and sisters, the fierce warrior who has gone to battle with our greatest enemies, and won! Look at him! He is your brother. He has your back. He has saved your life.

He comes
Luke 13:31-35 (2/21/2016)

Jesus doesn’t ask us to come to him. He comes to us, dancing. But not everybody wants to dance. It baffles me! Why not? Why wouldn’t we all want to sing the song and join the dance? Why wouldn’t we want to dance together, instead of fighting amongst each other? Why wouldn’t we want to dance together, instead of marching up that hill, carrying that heavy load, all alone? Why wouldn’t we want to dance, with Jesus, instead of slouching in our chairs filled with self-pity?

Luke 13:6-9 (2/28/2016)

Do you know any barren fig trees? A son, a daughter, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor who seems to be a lost cause, who has been tended and cared for and invested in and prayed for to no avail? Is it time to cut it down? Is it time to give her up?

Welcome home
Luke 15 (3/6/2016)

You are home. In this place, in this moment, you are home. We will eat to celebrate our lives. We will eat to celebrate our companionship. We will to celebrate being home. We will eat to celebrate being. This feast is a sign of God’s bounty. This feast is a sign of God’s grace. This feast is a sign that Jesus welcomes all of us. This feast is a sign that Jesus welcomes you.

Welcome home …

A woman’s gift
John 12:1-8 (3/13/2016)

And that’s what serving the poor should be: not a calculated, carefully measured duty, but an act of love, of unrestrained, uninhibited, profligate love. Like Mary’s gift, the gift she made to Jesus.

Our common lot
Luke 23:13-26 (3/20/2016)

By sharing our common lot, Jesus utterly transforms our common lot. He sets us free from the tyranny of the crowd and from the tyranny of death. He changes the course of history. He alters the storyline. It’s no longer about the irresistible and death-dealing power of “they.” It’s now about the transforming and life-giving power of “we.”

No matter who
Acts 10:34-43 (3/27/2016)

This is the Good News of peace, the Good News of peace proclaimed by God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. The good news is that Jesus is Lord of all, that Jesus doesn’t belong to some of us, but to all of us, and that through him, God brings peace … to all.

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