My name is Simon
Luke 7:41-47 (1/6/08)
Jesus said, “You are right” … but was I right?
How many times?
Matthew 18:21-35 (1/13/08)
How many times? Maybe it’s not a math question or a numbers question or a matter of limits and boundaries. Maybe it’s not a question of the limits of the obligation to forgive, but a question of the nature of forgiveness itself.
Just do it!
Matthew 13:1-9 (1/20/08)
Do you know what that’s like? Staying in your comfort zone, not pushing yourself, not talking risks? Maybe because you don’t want to fall. Maybe because you don’t want to fail. Maybe because you’d rather do nothing than risk embarrassing yourself or making a mistake.
It’s not fair
Matthew 20:1-16 (1/27/08)
Maybe it’s not about being fair. Maybe Jesus’ parable has nothing to do with fairness. Tell me, would you want God to be fair with you? Would you want God to be entirely fair with you, to give you exactly what you deserve and no more?
You are
Luke 15:11-32 (2/3/08)
You don’t “figure out” the meaning of a parable. You experience it. You live it. You tell it and embellish it and play with it until it becomes yours. Or until you become part of it, until you enter into its way, into Jesus’ way, of looking at things.
Many are invited, but few are chosen
Matthew 22:2-14 (4/6/08)
The kingdom of God is not the destination, but the way. The kingdom of God is not a reward for good behavior, but the good behavior itself. The kingdom of God is not the blessing God’s love affords us, but the blessing that is God’s love.
Actions speak louder
Matthew 21:28-32 (4/13/08)
Jesus intends his listeners – us – to recognize ourselves in the story. How are my words just empty speech? How is our worship just hollow ritual? In what ways is my faith all smoke and little fire? In what ways is our claim to be followers of Jesus – obedient and eager followers of Jesus’ way – a sham?
Don’t hold back
Matthew 25:14-30 (4/20/08)
What are you doing with your faith? Are you protecting it? Building a wall around it? Burying it? Keeping it out of reach of any threat or any controversy, so when the last of your days arrives, you may pull it out and say: “Here is my faith! Unscratched, untarnished, unused, in mint condition!”?
Will he find faith?
Luke 18:1-8 (4/27/08)
I like to think of that robin as a knight of faith … a knight of faith. What courage! Hurling his frail body against that unbending window pane day after day after day. What tenacity! Not giving up, scorning the pain, shrugging off the muddled head and the aching bones and gathering himself to do it again! What faith! Thinking this time – this time! – maybe the window will be open, or maybe somehow, some way, this time – this time! – I will be able to pass through the window and reach the promised land on the other side!
When the moment arrives
Matthew 25:1-13 (5/4/08)
Jesus is ready to receive you! Jesus is ready to welcome you! Jesus is ready to invite you in to the wedding feast! There is no hesitation, no pause for consideration, no weighing the merits of whether to welcome you in or not. Jesus is ready to receive you, no matter who you are. The question is, will you be ready to receive him?
It matters
Matthew 13:31-32 (5/11/08)
The landowner didn’t plant the seed with birds in mind, but they are blessed by his act. The priest didn’t offer the bread with the street people of San Francisco in mind, but they are blessed by his act. What you do for Jesus’ sake, what you do for the sake of the kingdom of God, has far-reaching consequences and blesses many, many people far beyond what you intend. It matters!