Peace is … believing
Isaiah 7:10-16 (12/18/2016)
This is what disturbs me: the terrible disjunction between what we say we believe and what is. If we believe God promises peace and if we believe God has already given us the precious gift of the Prince of Peace, then what is going on? This is a crisis for faith, no two ways about it, and if we don’t think it’s a crisis, then either we’re not paying attention or our faith doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.
Peace is … healing
Isaiah 35:1-10 (12/11/2016)
If you knew there was something you could do today to make the world your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up in a much healthier and safer and more beautiful place, would you do it?
Peace is … defending
Isaiah 11:1-10 (12/4/2016)
What does peace on earth look like? Peace is defending: defending not our own assets, our own well-being, our own honor, but defending the assets and well-being and honor of our neighbors, specifically, explicitly, our humble neighbors, our neighbors in humble circumstances.
Peace is … walking
Isaiah 2:1-5 (11/27/2016)
This is the king, hanging on a cross, suffering with people who suffer, suffering for people who suffer, taking on himself the worst this world has to dish out, shaming it by his shame, overpowering it by his powerlessness, shattering its pride by his humility, thwarting its disobedience by his obedience …