Finding your own way

Finding your own way (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 23:1-12
November 2, 2014

Tuesday is election day.  Did you know that?  How did you know?  You haven’t received any flyers in the mail or seen any political ads on TV, have you?

$60,000,000 has been spent on a single race in Iowa, the contest between Bruce Braley and Joni Ernst for the senate seat vacated by Tom Harkin. … Continue reading ...


πληρωμα (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Ephesians 1:15-23
November 23, 2014

The church is Christ’s body,
το πληρωμα του τα παντα εν πασιν πληρουμενου.

The church is Christ’s body.  Christ is our head; we are his body.  God put all things — all things! — under Christ’s feet, and then gave him to the church.  So Jesus Christ is present … in the church.… Continue reading ...