
Terrified (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 16:8
April 1, 2018

They went out and ran from the tomb, distressed and terrified.  They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.

It would have been easier if they had found what they were looking for.  It would have been easier if they had found the lifeless body of Jesus right where it had been laid just two days before.… Continue reading ...

In Jesus Christ

in Jesus Christ (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 11:25-30
March 5, 2017

Are you tired?  Are you tired from carrying heavy loads?

Are you tired from carrying a load of worry?  Worry about your children?  Worry about getting old?  Worry about money?  Worry about your health?

Or maybe you worry about bigger things.  Are you tired, are you weighed down with worry about our nation’s future? … Continue reading ...