
Shalom (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 2:2-5
June 24, 2018

Shalom aleichem.

Peace to you.

Shalom is a greeting.  It’s a greeting you might offer as you open the door of your house to a friend — shalom — or a greeting you might offer with a nod of your head as you pass a stranger on the street — shalom. … Continue reading ...

My servant

My servant (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 52:13
February 22, 2015

I am angry, and I am frightened.

I am frightened by ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  You know about the horrible scene on the beach in Libya, where members of ISIS beheaded twenty-one Egyptian Christians.  It is appalling, revolting, unbearable, unwatchable.  I refuse to watch the video and I quickly swipe past every time a story or photo of the event comes up on the news apps on my phone. … Continue reading ...

They will see and understand something they had never known

They will see and understand something they had never known (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 52:14-15
March 1, 2015

There are people in our world right now, rightly or wrongly, drawing inspiration from their holy texts to do unspeakable violence to fellow human beings and to the fabric of human civilization itself.  Rightly or wrongly, they are drawing inspiration from their holy texts. … Continue reading ...

When the curse is a blessing

When the curse is a blessing (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Mark 13:1-8
November 15, 2015

Sometimes life is sweet …

When your puppy jumps up on the bed and licks you in the face.

When your two-and-a-half year old granddaughter FaceTimes you.

In the midst of the silence, the holy silence, when nothing needs to be said, because in that moment, nothing needs to be said.… Continue reading ...

Deep peace

Deep peace (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Micah 5:2-5
December 20, 2015

Deep peace of the running wave to you,
deep peace of the flowing air to you,
deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
deep peace of the shining stars to you,
deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.

Deep peace.  Have you known it? … Continue reading ...