A carol of love

A carol of love (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 60:1-3, 19-20
December 17, 2017

Next Sunday evening, Christmas Eve, at about 11:57 pm, I will be standing in the front of the sanctuary holding a lighted candle and many of you will be sitting there in the pews holding lighted candles and we will be singing together “silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.” … Continue reading ...

You have come to us

you have come to us (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 21:33-43
March 26, 2017

Great God of Earth and Heaven
(New Century Hymnal, #579)

Great God of earth and heaven whose Spirit is our breath,
at Christmastime born human, at Easter shared our death …

“Great God of earth and heaven.”  Creator, sustainer, provider.  Holy.

Great God of earth and heaven. … Continue reading ...


Thieves (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Matthew 21:12-17
March 9, 2014

Who is the enemy?  Who is the enemy of God’s people?

Ken Ham thinks it’s science.  Ken Ham is the founder of the “Creation Museum” in Petersburg, Kentucky.  You may remember all the hoopla surrounding his live-streamed “Creationism vs. Evolution” debate last month with Bill Nye, the NPR “Science Guy.” … Continue reading ...

Let us stand in awe

Let us stand in awe (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Luke 5:1-11, Philippians 2:1-13
September 28, 2014

He was calling them.  He is calling you.  To what?

What do you see?

Look again!  Look closer!  What do you see?  Do you see evidence of what you cannot see, intimations of what you cannot comprehend?  Do you see things that hint at a kind of wonder and beauty so extraordinary, so sublime, that your eyes simply cannot bear the sight?… Continue reading ...

They will see and understand something they had never known

They will see and understand something they had never known (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Isaiah 52:14-15
March 1, 2015

There are people in our world right now, rightly or wrongly, drawing inspiration from their holy texts to do unspeakable violence to fellow human beings and to the fabric of human civilization itself.  Rightly or wrongly, they are drawing inspiration from their holy texts. … Continue reading ...

How I want to be there!

How I want to be there! (Click on the sermon title for a .pdf copy)
Psalm 84
August 23, 2015

How I love your Temple, Lord Almighty!
How I want to be there!
I long to be in the Lord’s Temple.

With my whole being I sing for joy to the living God.

You only know it if you know it — that passion, that longing, that joy. … Continue reading ...